in this blog i like to talk about anything and everything I find fascinating, sometimes I am studying something and I find that fascinating , sometimes I see people on street and find there behaviors fascinating, I used to write down my thoughts on a Notes app, then thought why not share it with similar minded people
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Humanity’s beauty, Crossing three borders in one step:
how i got to know about three country cairn.
So today i found something very interesting.
While i was just scrolling through the map on google maps Ifound that there is a spot on the borders of Sweden, Finland and Norway where the borders are arranged in a way that one step you are in Sweden, another step you are in finland and the next step takes you to the third country norway.
This is what we are looking at.
Now me being just an impulsive idiot thought maybe I should just go and travel 3 countries in just 3 steps or something like that.
Now I am not an idiot but i get excited way too easily. I even made travel plans and thought of the captions for my Instagram posts. Even before I zoomed in on the map to see if what I had in my mind was actually possible or not.
And then I zoom in and plans that i just made in the last 40 seconds, came crashing down.
This point is not on land from the looks of this map
As you can see in above screenshot, this place is not on land and i won’t be able to go there and complete my 3 steps in 3 different countries like i initially though.
I shared my concerns with a highly intelligent person, my flat mate.
He came up with a solution in literally 3 seconds!!
He said “bro why don't we go in the winters this place will be frozen and we will be able to do the 3 step 3 countries challenge “
As you can guess this person is Highly intelligent, he not only came up with a solid plan (or so I thought) but also named out mission ( Iknow its a lame name but in that moment it was just the perfect name)
I said solid plan and then we both started looking at the map and saw it shows that this place is a tourist spot.
I opened the pics of the place and the pictures made my faith in humanity stronger and realised how much potential for love and doing stupid things we have if we just embrace each other’s positives and negatives.
There is actually a place to such a thing for those like myself. Who wants to do the 3 steps in 3 countries challenge. Just run around it in circles and on google maps reviews I found a like-minded guy who i might have been friends with if we knew each other, his name is
The legend posted what i might have done if I ever visit this place.
Also shout out to our fellow 3 step 3 countries challenger JASON ROSS(WHO ALSO I DON’T KNOW) for posting this picture on google maps.
After some googling i found out this place is called THREE COUNTRY CAIRN now this place has some historical significance which I did not know of. (Please forgive this uneducated person)
The three country cairn is a point where the borders of Sweden. Norway and Finland meet. It is also a monument that marks this point, which was erected in 1897 by Norway and Russia. It is the northernmost international tripoint in the world and it is located near Goldajavri lake in Storfjord. You can visit this monument by hiking from Kilpisjarvi village in Finland.
Well this was just my idiot brain going hay wire. If you love just how such a beautiful place exists in this world full of hatred tell me about it.
And if you know of similar things which make you smile share it with me.
You and I could be bros just like me , my flat mate and the two random guys on google maps.
Join our club!!!!!
If you have any problems with anything I said in the above story comment and I will change and try to rectify my mistakes.
Dont judge my English, not my first language. ( Well I can’t even write my mother tongue without grammatical mistakes so forgive me)
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