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Flexible Cystoscopy

 Flexible Cystoscopy

lexible cystoscopy is a type of endoscopy and is done on the cyst-urinary bladder,


The literal meaning of the term Flexible cystoscopy

 So flexible cystoscopy is made up of 2 words flexible and cystoscopy  and cystoscopy is made up of 2 different words cyst and scope 

So lets see the meaning of cyst and scope and flexible 


 here cyst is referring to the Urinary bladder

Cyst  in medical terms is a membranous sac or cavity of abnormal character in the body, containing fluid.
Scope is meaning to see the inside of something with the help of a small camera attached to a thin string

and SCOPY is to look into somethicg with the help of a device ,  indicating viewing, observation, or examination, typically with an instrument having a name ending in -scope.

Flexible here is reffering to a soft and very fine tube




So all in all flexible endoscopy is an examination in which the interior of the urinary bladde
r is examined with a very fine , soft tube which has a small telescopic camera attached to its front end. 





Advantages of flexible endoscopy 

And one of the major advantages of the procedure is that due to the soft nature of the tube, the procedure itself can be carried out with the help of local anesthetic rather than its counter part general endocopy which is mostly done with the help of general anesthetic


Now if we are discussing about flexible endoscopy then there should be a normal or hard or most commonly known as rigid endoscopy,  curious , its also known as the traditional endoscopy and the topic of rigid endoscopy is topic for a later date, 


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